Friday, September 17, 2010

Corporate Mother

Corporate mothers are bringing down good fathers, and destroying the works of strong mothers in the process.  I have a lot of respect for all the mother’s in the world that are out there keeping their families together, and doing what they have to do to make sure their children grow to be great in life.  Who I do have a problem with are those corporate mother’s who secretly view their children as a paycheck, and use them along with the family court system to gain a steady payday  through child support payments.
It’s unfortunate but chances are a corporate mother has had her children with a father cut from good stock.  Meaning he is the type of father who does the things he is supposed to do for his children.  Whether the relationship with his children’s mother works or not he will still be actively involved with his children, and is going to do more for them than the family court system is going to force him to.  He is also a father that does not have a problem paying child support because he understands that he has a responsibility to his kids, and that there are other components that go into raising his children besides money. 
Corporate mother’s could care less about the other components that go into raising their children because their attitude is, "show me the money," and their children are nothing more than a business decision they needed to make.  Dealing with a good father corporate mothers do not understand that taking him to court for their child support payday is actually doing more harm than good to the children, and in the long run bringing them more aggravation. 
Having children creates a partnership between a man and a woman. So if we are going to look at it as a business, we have to look at it as a business partnership.  In a business partnership two people invest their hard earned money into a business in order to get it going.  Not only that they also invest a lot of their time, energy and efforts into that business because once it gets going they want to see it profit and grow.  With that in mind, parents make a lifelong financial investment into their children from the start, and in addition they both invest a lot of their time, energy and efforts into their children to see that they profit and grow. 
A business plan is not drawn up with a short term goal in mind seeking short term gains.  A business plan is laid out over a span of years with long term gains in mind.  The thinking of responsible mothers and fathers is long term. High school diploma, get him or her through college, and teaching independence and not dependence.  Corporate mothers think short term, “show me the money,” and as they say money is the root of all evil.  Dealing with children as a business, and chasing the money takes away from the time a father spends with his children as well as the mental and physical bond he builds with them.  This hurts him and his children in the long run because the time that he wants to devote to them and the time they want from him is being spent in family court fighting over money. 
Looking at the bigger picture corporate mothers do not realize that taking the, “show me the money,” attitude is what dissolves their partnership with the father of their children, and makes everything about business.  Once the child support order is in place the corporate mother becomes the employee, and her children become a product.  She now has a salary and is being paid to take care of her children when she is with them.  Dad's only concern now is making sure his children have what they need when they are with him, and that’s the aggravating part for the corporate mother.  She gets her payday but it’s really not enough for her to operate with and she can no longer ask her former business partner for a loan.  She can get a raise but she’s a union worker now and she has to go through her union (Family Court) to get it. 
It’s truly sad that there are mothers who think like this when it comes to their children because money driven mothers are beginning to put the same type of negative stigma on good mothers that dead beat fathers have already established.  What’s even more sad is that with all these men who don’t want to be bothered and all these mothers looking to get paid, a huge shadow now looms over the few good fathers, and strong mother’s who have gotten it done on their own, and those who continue to make a way out of no way for their children.
My closing thought is to say to the dead beat father stay out of the way so the good father can restore the faith in fathers that you have broken. To the Corporate Mother I say attend Florida University and F U for trying to bring good active fathers down, and trying to destroy the works of strong independent mothers.

Be Great,



  1. Chris,
    It's not easy being a single parent. The one raising the child has much more responsibility. It's not about being 'greedy' for money. It's about survival. Some dad's just pick up and leave. Suddenly the mom is left with all the bills and child rearing. A mom that takes the father to court is not "bad." It's survival Chris, and it benefits the kids. I am lucky enough to have a good relationship with my ex. He does the right thing, but yes court was involved and no, I am not a 'corporate mom.' Hell, I make more money than him. It's about the kids and what's best for the kids...that's why the court order for child support is set in place. You know I almost always agree with you, but occasionly we differ in beliefs. You can delete this if you want----Kristy L. Sanabria

  2. Chris

    I agree with you to a certain degree. But as I have always said and I will continue to say it, mothers who take the fathers to court are 1. Still have feelings for the father, 2. Revenge 3. I will show him for us not being together. A real woman moves forward with their lives leaving the negativity alone. Go out there and provide for her children. If she works where there is a will there is a way. The court can only make a man a good man 1. quit his job 2. not be involved in the kids lives. A good thinking woman is a go getter without all the hoop la. As the old saying goes nothing like a woman scorn. Make him pay. After all is said and done when the court awards child support who benefits NOT THE CHILD BUT THE MOM. Rich or poor, happy or sad if I cant have you no one else will. Entrapment for a paycheck is what the name of the game is all about. Look at me I never asked for a dime and I made it. I never took anyone to court because when I left that was the end for me. I never stopped the child from seeing the father and I did everythig I could to make the father look like gold. I never worried about what the father was doing or what he was not doing. I moved on and that was that. What matters is what the child sees for himself as he grows.
